About Us

A podcast about all things horror.
For over 10 years, the Straight Chilling podcast has been dropping a new review every week. They have over 400 episodes in the can, hundreds of extra episodes, dozens of videos, and a litany of other projects and endeavors coming out all the time.
These old friends are dedicated to providing film critiques, trivia, news, drunken rants, unearned confidence, and providing succulent ear morsels for seasoned genre fans and newcomers alike.
aka... Bob, Robbie, Bobby
Robbie is a musician, tiki enthusiast and host of the podcast. He’s been producing Straight Chilling since 2014 and Let’s Get Physical Media since 2020. As a horror fan and amateur bartender he’s recently started crafting horror inspired tiki cocktails for the Straight Chilling YouTube channel.
Some favorite films include Halloween, Shaun of the Dead, Re-animator, Sleepaway Camp and Trick ‘r Treat.
Rob's Letterboxd Acct
Rob's Tiki Videos
Let's Get Physical Media
aka... Randy, Randy Gandy G-Landy, Red Stag Randy
Andy is the in-house graphic designer for Straight Chilling, and a professional designer of over 10 years. A lifelong film dork, Andy's love of horror goes back to early childhood, when he first saw Cujo and Puppet Master, probably too young.
Among his favorite horror films are Evil Dead 2, The Fly, Hausu, Silent Night Deadly Night and The Man Who Laughs.
Design & Illustration Portfolio
Animation Reel
Andy's Instagram
aka... Jus, Jus Stains, Booze Stains
Justin is a writer, photographer, and podcaster currently living in Seoul, South Korea. He created and manages the Straight Chilling YouTube page as well as his Korean travel channel. Justin's affinity for horror films shines through in his writing, which often focuses on explorations into Korean horror films and how they reflect Korean society and culture.
Among his favorite films are The Thing, Cabin in the Woods, 28 Days Later, No Country for Old Men & Scream.
Justin's Letterboxd Acct
Travel Videos
Writing Portfolio
Straight Chilling on Youtube
DJ Elzebub
aka... Old Scratch, Upside-Down-Crossfader
DJ Elzebub is a totally legit demon DJ, who began by spinning at the crossroads in Brooklyn. His rivalry with DJ Kool Herc, the creation of Hip Hop, and Kool Herc's sudden disappearance is the stuff of legends.
Elzebub now spends his time producing Straight Chilling and offering spiritual guidance to the boys.